Friday, March 14, 2008


HA! i took my new Nikon D40 to Luneta this morning. It was fun though tiring. Spent most of the time in the Chinese Garden. There isn't much to see there really, but i just wanted to play with the camera. Thanks to Trent for going with me since my car is... well... out of commission for the next few days. Here are some of the shots.

The Bulova Clock
a random flower

And some random leaves
Trent, making do with what he has... LOL
Trent in all his gritty-ness (PP'ed)
Spartan Trent Cleaning up Sparta
Hotel 300
Lomo Ken (taken by trent)
Lomo Rizal

Stainless Dreams...

Luneta Hotel

Hehe i love my D40. Best thing i bought this year!

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