Thursday, November 27, 2008

Shit Happens

To people who know, i was applying for a supervisory position at work for some time now. I did well in the exam. Apparently i also did well in the interview. Unfortunately everyone else did better. Other applicants had weeks to prepare. I had an hour and a half. So i have an excuse to fail LOL. And fail i did. BUT i had a talk with my Operations Manager earlier and i was offered a project based supervisory position. It's not as good as the post i was applying for but im sure the learning experience will be worth all my time. Thanks to Boss Mic for the trust. I owe you one.

A couple of nights ago, i heard from a friend that an ex of mine died in a fire. She was the secret ex. The one "She" never found out about. It was almost a 3 year relationship. We had good memories but relationship priorities tore us apart. She was the ex i never really expected to hear about again. But then again i had to find out she's dead. She died with her Mom, Dad and her 4 year old daughter Sophie. I've always wanted to meet Sophie. And i never will.

It's strange when people die on you. You suddenly start to remember little details about them. I remember how she likes wearing boots. And how she carefully wears them after getting dressed. How she says "ponget" instead of "pangit" in her strange st. paul/dlsu accent. How she said she never liked sci-fi, that's why she never liked Lord of the Rings (i had a good laugh at her statement). And just how a sweet young woman she is - was.My prayers go out to Marnelli and her family. I still can't get my head around her death.

I guess this is also the time to thank God for all the blessings. I slowly getting where i want to be. Thank you Lord for always being nice to me. And for taking people away but bringing in new ones.

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